Saturday, June 16, 2012

Back at Home in the HWA

I'm back in.  After years of not being a member, I finally renewed my membership in the Horror Writers Association.  It feels good to be back.  And not just for the commaradarie of being around other horror writers.

I remember when I first applied for membership back in 2001.  At that point, I had several short stories accepted for publication both online and in print.  While being published is great validation for your ego, becoming a part of HWA was even bigger.  At least for me.  I knew I was a part of an organisation that accepted what I wrote as a genre worthwhile in the world of story.

So now, as I continue the journey to get 'my' stories out of my head and onto paper or digital video - I know that there are hundreds of authors out there on my side.

Now, who wouldn't appreciate and be happy about that?

Saturday, June 2, 2012

Not about me today

I could just write this to push my books (like I normally do), but today, I'm going to do something different and push a great friend who had his book Jawbone released into the wild world of eBooks yesterday.  (Soon to be available in print also).

I've known Michael Gleich for going on twelve years.  We met in a study group called Shadowlands at Writer's Village University (an online writing site).  We've shared stories back and forth since that time, both online and via email.  I consider Michael one of my very best friends and I would trust him with anything I have.

Jawbone began in that study group.  Over the years, I watched as it grew into a truly fantastic horror novel.  Published by Damnation Press, Jawbone is adult horror - no namby, pamby vampires or zombies.  Michael takes a Native American myth story and brings it into the present in a way that leaves the reader with goosebumps.

Michael has a wonderful way with words.  His descriptions affect all five of the senses in such a way, that not only can you see the imagery he portrays, you can also touch, hear and smell the location described.  Michael's characters are different also.  For those of us who have read horror for a long time, it's really nice to see main characters that are more reflective of our own ages.  While he does have younger characters in the book, it was very easy to relate to the older, wiser, and normal looking protagonists of this story.

Bottom line, if you're a die-hard horror fan, you cannot go wrong with Michael Gleich's Jawbone.  And if someone in Hollywood doesn't come chasing this for a feature movie in the near future - I will finally admit that Hollywood is dead.